Category Archives: Misc

Everything in between…

Happy 2022 Everybody!


Hello Movie Friends,

We’ve done it. We’ve somehow survived another year in this pandemic, and we can hope it shall be the last one.

I wish you all the best for the year 2022. I hope we can all find a way to communicate better with each other, to listen to each other and most importantly of all, enjoy more great movies together!

Because that is what art can do – it can bring people together, if we let it.

Enjoy yourselves and I can’t thank you enough for visiting and reading my reviews. I can’t even explain how much that means to me that you take the time of your day and read something that some random Czech person wrote on the Internet. I appreciate you.

Let’s hope 2022 will be a year to remember (for GOOD reasons ONLY!!!) 🙂

Until next time,


The Last of Us: Part II (2020) Review – A Flawed Masterpiece


This is my first video game review. You won’t see many, as I spend most of my free time watching TV shows or movies, no longer that big of a gamer I used to be. But I do enjoy a good game every once in a while. And the first The Last Of Us (2013) is still one of my favourite games I have ever played. And I already replayed it a couple of times and even bought it when it got released with updated graphics on PS4 (the same one I used to play this game). Needless to say, I was hyped with the initial trailers, but then a few things happened I need to mention to explain why my enthusiasm dropped slightly before discussing the game.

First, the game got pushed back a few times. That is not necessarily a bad thing, as I would much rather play a finished game with as least bugs as possible, but then… We got some reports of how certain employees were working 60/70 hours a week for several months (read for yourself here). Which, unfortunately, it’s not news in almost any industry, whether it’s gaming or movie. Those people we rarely hear about work longer hours when needed and get zero to no credit. But then, the leaks came out. I won’t link any to avoid some spoilers (at least for now), but a few months before the official release, somebody leaked some major plot points and one thing about a new character. And people lost their minds. Again, I will go to the spoiler territory soon, but not just yet. Anyway, since then, it felt a bit strange, as it seemed that the game was almost rushed, as possible prevention against more leaks coming out…? But I still have ordered it and played the game.

I will try to give you some non-spoiler thoughts, but it’s hard to discuss this game without spoilers. Scratch that, not hard, impossible. The game itself is a visual masterpiece. You wouldn’t expect anything less from Naughty Dog (the company behind this series). Everything you loved and were used to from the first game is back. The mechanics are pretty much the same, which is always a plus. I also loved the scope of this game and plenty of different and impressive level designs (my favourite point was when you end up in the high rise buildings, climbing a ladder from one high rise to another, the visuals are simply stunning). What I had a hard time with was, not surprisingly, the story. And here is where I need to go to the spoiler territory, so…

Beware, SPOILERS are coming!

You play as several characters. I believe you start playing as Ellie first (it’s been almost a year since I started the game, that tells you how often I play) and then, you suddenly play as this brand new character, Abby. Now I can say she had a big part in the controversy mentioned before. Let me start with the bullshit one – there was a rumour that her character will be trans. Probably due to her muscular physique. I would not have an issue with that, so I won’t focus on people who might have any problems with that fact and swiftly move along. For what it is worth; there is a trans character; I won’t say who, but I thought it’s been dealt with well. Nothing was pushed onto you; it wasn’t in your face, just mentioned almost in passing. Anyway, the bigger and much more relevant part of those leaks – Abby is the character who kills Joel, arguably the protagonist of the first game and father figure to Ellie. If I remember correctly, the leaks even stated why she had done it. And I wouldn’t have a massive problem with it if the game didn’t force us to play as her for a big chunk of it.

Yep, that’s right. Imagine this – you play for Abby, then you bump into Joel. In a cut scene, Abby turns out to be “evil” (again, there is a reason why he and not anybody else) and kills him. Then we get to play as Ellie, tracking Abby down. And the moment we see Ellie almost catch up to her, the game switches. And suddenly, we are playing as Abby again, a few days before we bump into Ellie. The purpose behind this is to get to know Abby’s character and understand why she killed Joel. It was 100% a risky, ballsy move that split the fans, where some loved it, and most hated it. I am torn in-between, skewing towards the “hate” part. And let me tell you why.

Even when we know the reason behind Abby killing Joel (I won’t reveal it, as it’s explained pretty well in the game, and it requires knowledge of the first game if you want, Google it), it’s hard to sympathize with her. And that was not our fault because we got attached to both Joel and Ellie from the first game. They were the reason the first game worked so well, even with the dark choices you had to make, especially towards the end, was the fact we have been on the journey with them. So we could discuss whether the choices made were ethical or not, but most fans understood that they were flawed characters, but that was what made them so approachable/relatable. It’s not fun when your character is pure evil or pure good. But in The Last of Us: Part II, even we learn about Abby, what she has been through, what her reason for killing Joel was, I could never get on board with her 100%. If the game were to let you play as Ellie, let’s say for 80%, and as Abby for the rest of it, it would have worked way better. But currently, it seemed almost 60/40 to Ellie (yes, you spend a lot of time playing as Abby).

I understand why they decided to do it, what conversation they were trying to have. Morality is debatable; every story has two sides, all that good stuff. I get it. And yet, I still found myself thinking that Abby went too far. I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but then I’ve seen a video that summed it up nicely. What Joel did (to piss Abby off) was wrong, but he didn’t plan it. He had seconds to think, he was under pressure, and he was protecting his “daughter” after losing his own at the beginning of the first game. Whereas what Abby did was calculated, cold-blooded and even when she saw Ellie begging her not to do it, she killed her father figure right in front of her, effectively prolonging the circle of violence. That is why Abby’s character never worked for me. Or the ending… yeah, let’s talk about the ending.

This whole game is one big thing about “revenge = bad”. Which, fair enough. But at the same time, what happens at the very end, after Ellie goes through literally hundreds of enemies, she… doesn’t kill Abby? She doesn’t kill that one person, who took everything from her, because she’s learned, several hundred corpses ago, that revenge is bad? I feel like the game wanted so bad to have this “every story has two sides to it” narrative, and they sacrificed everything to make it work, including logic.

The game mechanics haven’t changed almost at all from the original game. I mean, what is there to improve if you have nailed it pretty much from the get-go? While playing the first game or this sequel, I never forgot what buttons served which purpose, all the crafting, improving, everything stayed the same and honestly, that’s something I don’t take for certain. Plenty of other games can have a weird controlling mechanism or too much going on (upgrades, crafting, improvements). But everything here seemed smooth to me; there are weapon upgrades, character upgrades, you can craft items, but it’s never “too much” to become overwhelming, or you will never forget: “How do I do this again? What menu section do I go to?”

As I hinted at this before visually, this game squeezes out every single resource my PS4 had to offer, and it showed. It’s stunning, vibrant, you get a few big set-pieces (the already mentioned climbing in between high-rise buildings, some fire action set-piece towards the end), and this is where Naughty Dog shows they know what they are doing. Well, at least visually. And, to my surprise, I can’t remember stumbling into any bugs, so for a game that’s been pushed back several times, great job.

Overall, The Last of Us: Part II is a visually breath-taking masterpiece that really wants you to think about relativity, how any truth/story is relative, depending on how you look at it. That is something I have no issue with. I just wished they would go about it differently and, you know, didn’t force us to play as a character who viciously murders somebody, we as the audience, really get to know and understand. They set themselves up for an almost impossible task – to pull something like this off, I genuinely think they’d have to release a game in-between this one and the original. Think about it – it doesn’t have to be a long AAA game title, just almost a DLC to the first game, where we play most of the time as Abby, explore her backstory when she was younger, and it would all finish in the hospital. Then we would know, what she is all about and then, maybe, just maybe, you could pull something like this off. In its current state, I don’t think I will play The Last of Us: Part II anytime soon, whereas I have played through the original game about four times. One of the main reasons behind that was that even in the darkest moments, the first game managed to give us hope. It wasn’t too much hope, but there were hints of light shining through the darkness. But this game is more or less just about darkness, sadness and all the “great” feelings, without almost any glimpse of hope or light.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Did you play it? What did you think about it? Let me know!

Until next time,


The Sarah Silverman Podcast (Podcast Review) – Modern Day Jesus (with A Lot of Ads)


As stated before, I go through a bunch of podcasts lately. So when I was looking for a new one to listen to, I didn’t want anything too serious. I was just looking for something funny but still interesting to keep my mind occupied. That’s when I stumbled upon Sarah Silverman‘s podcast. Let me say, I have never seen any of her stand-up specials, or followed her career. But I have always known who she was. And I like most of her opinions, so I thought, hey, let’s give this a shot. It took Sarah a few episodes to get everything “polished” (intro, ad breaks, signing off etc.), but that is what I liked – we get to see her and her podcast evolve.

From what I have seen all over the Internet, Sarah is that kind of comedian who you have heard of and have a strong opinion on. It’s like with my favourite stand-up comic, Frankie Boyle, you either love them or hate them because they say what they want to say and don’t look back. Except Sarah uses her platform (this podcast, her Twitter) to look back and isn’t afraid to admit when she was wrong…? What is that? It almost seems like she might be a half-decent human being…?

That is why I keep listening to her podcast, and I am all caught up on it because I admire somebody who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and be reflective enough to admit when she was wrong. Well, not even wrong per se, she isn’t shy to apologize for her previous jokes that didn’t age too well, instead of doubling down with excuses. That is what keeps me listening to her podcast – the fact she does what she is preaching. She is all about evolving, understanding that anyone can fuck up, but it’s how you deal with it afterwards. Without getting too serious here, this is my biggest problem with social media – everybody is trying to be “as pure as God’s balls”, throwing stones left, right, and centre. There is no room for nuance, for any reasonable discussion. If Twitter finds you guilty, nothing else matters anymore. But that’s not how people act or grow. And Sarah understands that and talks about it well, not only because she’s been through it a couple of times herself. I honestly believe that even though (as she often says) she is Godless, this is how Jesus would have acted had he came back (and you know, existed). I am an atheist myself (shocking after that previous sentence, isn’t it?), but I honestly believe that if there is some God, he would have acted more or less the same as Sarah. Meaning forgiving, talking to people about why are they the way they are, trying to engage with them, not shun them.

I love the show’s chaotic energy, as this is an “anything goes” podcast. Anything from taking calls from the listeners to making up songs with the live-searched porn phrases to the tune of “We Didn’t Start a Fire”. This podcast truly is pure chaotic energy in its raw form, and I adore it. That said, if you are looking for something more structured and “clean” (family-friendly), this might not be the podcast for you.

The only tiny negative thing I can say about this podcast, there are a lot of ads. I get it people need to be paid, we all have to eat, but sometimes it just seems like a bit too much. Especially sometimes, when Sarah’s commenting on a more sensitive issue, and suddenly the show goes to an ad break… it disrupts the flow a bit. But she isn’t the only one, and I understand that since podcasts are free, they need to make money somehow, and you know what they say, nothing is truly free in this world.

This podcast also makes me want to watch some of Sarah’s specials, as I like her opinions. Even though sometimes I might not agree with her on certain things, but guess what? People don’t have to always agree on every single thing. What I have noticed about the way she presents her opinions, she sometimes seems to be making a great argument, only to finish it off by saying: “But what do I know?” or something similar. I wish she wouldn’t question herself like that, as she seems knowledgeable on a plethora of issues. It almost seems like a reflex at this point, and I don’t think that’s necessary.

Overall, The Sarah Silverman Podcast is a fun way to spend around 50 minutes or so. Sarah seems to be someone you want to hang out with, maybe share some vegan food and listen to her talk about a bunch of things, just to hear her opinions. She seems like a cool, down to earth person who can make fun of you and herself. That is common for comedians but not so common in many people. I would say give her a listen if you don’t mind some politics, explicit language or porn-related songs. I am now hooked and can’t wait for new episodes.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Did you listen to it? What did you think about it? Let me know!

Until next time,


Michael Kenneth Williams – Gone Way Too Soon


This is only the second time I am doing this – writing and posting something almost live. And both times, it was to honour someone who in my eyes, deserved it. But I can assure you I hate to write this because that means Michael K. Williams is truly gone. We won’t get to see his name pop up in new projects. We won’t get to see, what else he could have achieved.

I won’t be doing “this was his life, here are some facts, data, movies he was in”. No, plenty of others, more professional people (aka newspeople), have already written those articles, more eloquently than I could ever write. This is purely a place for me to channel and maybe share my frustration/pain. When I learned he passed away, I very audibly said: “The fuck, NO!” Because that was truly unexpected. And 54 years is way too young.

Like many, the very first time I got introduced to Michael K. Williams was in The Wire (2002 – 2008). I remember watching the show back in 2008/2009, I believe, and wondering: “Who is the guy with the scar, playing Omar?! How come I’ve never heard of him?” Yes, his Omar Little truly redefined “the game”, as if I am not mistaken, he was one of the first (possible SPOILER for The Wire ahead) characters, who was a gangster with morals, and yeah, also gay. I remember when we have learned that fact on the show, I was shocked for a bit. After all, it wasn’t that common to have gay characters in your projects, let alone have somebody who should be perceived as “tough” be gay (again, this was before 2010, very different times when comes to gay representation or definition of tough). But then, after thinking about it, it made sense. Because Omar Little was a complex character to the T, he was a gangster first, but he had code. He was never looking for a fight as in his mind, he was the king. And I honestly credit this knowledge about his character partially to the brilliant script, but mainly to Michael’s performance, which undoubtedly will live on forever.

After The Wire, I have started Boardwalk Empire (2010 – 2014) and was delighted to see him there as Chalky White. And even though he wasn’t given as much as “to do”, he still managed to make his character memorable. I think the previous sentence sums up not only Michael’s entire career but also my frustration, with him being gone way too soon. Let me explain.

Ever since The Wire, I have been paying closer attention to the opening credits. And every time the name “Michael K. Williams” (or his full name “Michael Kenneth Williams”) would appear, I was excited because I knew no matter how bad the movie might be, he is there. But he seemed to be “boxed in” to be always the supporting actor, never the leading one. Or at least, he did very little of leading roles. And I always hoped that the world would recognize his immense talent and get him some major project, where he wouldn’t just be known to people who watched a couple of TV shows. I always hoped he’d get a break in some major mainstream film, where he could possibly get nominated for some awards. And it never came. It’s truly a shame, as I guarantee you, there was nothing, Michael K. Williams couldn’t do.

What we should do (or at least what I will do) to honour this legend is to finally watch a TV show that’s been on my ever-growing list for ages. And yeah, you guessed it, it’s been on my list mainly because I’ve heard Michael is in it. It’s called The Night Of (2016), and I have only heard great things about it. But like many, I struggle with time, and my “to-watch” list consists of hundreds of movies and probably 100+ TV shows I have yet to watch. But I will get on this one as soon as I can. To remind me of this great actor again. And you should too. Without trying to sound like your annoying friend, if you haven’t seen The Wire yet, you definitely should, as not only Michael is superb in it, but the show is a true masterpiece.

All I have to say is rest in peace, Michael Kenneth Williams. You will be missed.


Maltin on Movies (Podcast Review) – Golden Standard of Interviews


When you are into movies and say the name Leonard Maltin, you might think “the movie royalty, the man, the myth, the legend, who’s seen it all”. At least, that is what you might think if you are born and raised American. Believe it or not, even amongst “us”, movie folks/fans, he isn’t that know in the Czech Republic, where I am originally from. But when I was looking for podcasts to get into some while ago, his name kept popping up, so I have tried it. And stuck with it until now.

Hopefully, this won’t make me sound like a hipster (or at least not too much), but I am a complecionist, so I have listened to every single episode of this podcast. Yes, that means I still remember, the original co-host Baron Vaughn (who I greatly miss, as he always brought a different perspective and was also really funny) and the fact this podcast used to be primarily about movies (each week, the podcast used to have one actor/actress as the main topic, and our hosts would discuss 3 movies of theirs – one great one, one “not so great one” (or turkey, as Leonard would always call it) and one hidden gem, an underseen movie, that they thought deserved a bit more attention/love.

But as with most things, this podcast has evolved into something different. Firstly, from what I understand, it was quite challenging for a person like Leonard (whose job it is to watch movies, so he can write about them) to go back and “just” watch 3 older movies a week. Also, Baron got a role on Grace and Frankie (2015 – 2021). That led to this podcast shifting into being more interview/chat with famous people about their roles when comes to movies, how they love them. But most importantly, Baron’s leaving has allowed for “the other Maltin” to take his place – Jessie Maltin. That is how she calls herself, but she’s so much more than that. And Jessie made her mark on this show, from being funny to representing us, the listening audience, when somebody, who’s managed to reach “the legendary” status shows up to be interviewed (the likes of Al Pacino or Laura Dern). I genuinely love how she can geek out over guests and doesn’t try to hide her excitement.

The other thing about why I love this podcast and Jessie being involved, is the daughter/father dynamic, where she is allowed to (in a polite way) make fun of Leonard. But it’s always done with love, where you can tell how much they care about each other. She also is a great source of different stories, as you can imagine, growing up, being around her dad a lot, you get to meet a lot of celebrities/variety of famous folks. What I am trying to say is they complement each other so well – him, being the “straight, let’s talk about movies” host and her, being the more down-to-earth person, who isn’t afraid to tell someone how much they mean to her, or show her emotions.

Even though I’ve been listening to this podcast for about 3/4 years now, I couldn’t write a review for it until now. Because this podcast has a special place in my heart, to tell you the truth, as it was them who inspired and “made” me create this blog. During my years, I’ve always tried to write and share my movie opinions, as that’s one thing I care about and love. And yet, for a variety of different reasons (English not being my native language, thinking nobody will care about my opinions on anything, Internet being overcrowded with people spouting their opinions on everything…) I haven’t pulled the trigger. That was until I was sitting down at the airport in Paris (late 2019, before COVID-19), listening to this podcast. Jessie was talking about people coming up to her dad, asking “how can I do what you do?” and she said something along the lines of “Simply start writing and keep at it”. I know what (some) of you might be thinking: “Wait, if this was late 2019, how come you didn’t start until April 2020, during the pandemic?” Touché, you observant stranger. The truth is, I knew at that moment that I will start, I just didn’t know when, how… until the pandemic hit and suddenly, I didn’t have any excuse.

So, yes. If you ever happen to read this, dear Maltins, you are solely responsible for me having this tiny blog, where for over a year now, I have been trying to review everything from movies, TV shows, podcasts and even books (more coming soon, promise) and try to push and improve myself, because that would be the dream. To focus on my writing, watching movies for a living, writing about them, talking about them. But I know, this is hard to do, especially nowadays. So, in the meantime, I might as well sacrifice some spare time and write the occasional reviews, hoping somebody out there, might value something I say.

Overall, Maltin on Movies is a golden standard on how movie podcasts should be done. Interesting guests, impeccable hosts, who keep shining a spotlight on not just what is popular, but mainly on what is great. What deserves to be seen, people, who have stories to tell. That’s another thing I appreciate about this podcast, not every single episode has a “big A++ Hollywood name”. Plenty of times, I don’t recognise the names, which is fine with me. Because that usually means, I will find out about somebody new and get introduced to a different perspective, different opinions, different movies. If you love movies and have around one hour a week to spare, I can’t recommend this podcast enough.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Do you listen to this one? What do you think about it? Let me know!

Until next time,


Office Ladies (Podcast Review) – Jenna & Angela Go Behind The Office


When you have a job like mine (where you work 12hour shifts by yourself, watching a bunch of screens, monitoring data and trying to sort out a lot of issues) you try to keep your mind occupied and trust me, your playlist, no matter how “fire” it is, gets boring quickly. Luckily, we live in an age, where everyone (except me) has their own podcast. Some are great, some not so much. Luckily, Office Ladies belongs to the first group.

At first glance, you might think this would get boring rather quickly – two people breaking down every single episode of The Office (2005 – 2013, my review here) minute-by-minute. And yes, if those two people were robots and did it just for the sake of it, it would have been the most boring podcast ever created. But luckily, those two people are no other than the phenomenally funny great actresses and best friends, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey. And each week, they bring you an episode packed full of interesting information, behind the scenes trivia and occasionally interviews with a variety of people, from their fellow actors to people behind the camera (screenwriters, producers etc.)

What sells it and the main reason I immediately fell in love with this podcast, is the genuine chemistry between Jenna and Angela. I wasn’t surprised these two “office ladies” were best friends in the real life, because that’s one of those things everybody, who’s ever watched the show, will learn sooner or later. What I was surprised by is how entertained I was by simply listening to them talk (and sometimes rant, or as Jenna would say, “get on my soapbox”) about anything and everything, not just the show. What also amazed me was the fact, how different both of them are outside the show.

Look, I get it, they are professional actresses, so of course, they will be different. But this just goes to show how talented these two truly are. To be honest, I suspected Jenna would be more of the “preppy, motivated person”, but what I didn’t expect is how I would fall for Angela, as I have (for the most parts) didn’t like her character on her show. To the point, I have fallen for something I would like to call “an audience curse”, where she acted her character so well, I couldn’t believe how cheery, geeky (she loves Star Wars, Game of Thrones and all that great stuff, unlike Jenna, who’s more into real-life pop culture) and overall lovely person she is. Both ladies strike me as someone, I would love to have lunch with, followed by some cocktails, just to talk to them about anything.

I also admire how much time and energy they both (and not just them, based on how many people they reach out to) put into making this podcast, re-watching every episode several times, looking through bloopers and deleted scenes, going through scripts… One would think “this must be the easiest podcast ever, you just talk about a show you were on, easy!” Well, if you want to do it properly, it isn’t that easy and these ladies do it really well. I love hearing all the different stories, how some scenes were scripted down to the last word and some were improvised or shot a certain way because things change and as Queen taught us, “the show must go on”, so you need to solve the issue on the spot. I had a rough idea, how much goes into a production of a TV show, but these ladies made me appreciate everyone working on any kind of movie/TV show even more.

Come to think of it, if you have any aspirations when comes to working in the show business, this podcast is quite informative when comes to everything from how production works, to the occasional reminders about fame and success. How it doesn’t come instantly and you need to constantly work for it for a long time. Both Jenna and Angela shared their stories, how long did it take for them to break through, and they also ask each one of their guests how they started, what did they do on their journey to get where they are now. I find this so useful, in today’s “instant” society, where success isn’t and can’t be instant. If you want something, you need to work hard for it, no matter what that “it” is for you.

Overall, I managed to catch up on Office Ladies fairly quickly (again, 12hour shifts, time is not an issue) and as somebody, who listened to every single episode, I am still looking forward to every Wednesday, as that’s when a new episode drops. And I still love it. I can’t recommend this podcast enough, whether you are a die-hard fan of The Office or just a casual one, this should be on everybody’s device. And I can’t compliment both Jenna and Angela enough, as they are professional, funny, and most importantly, their interaction feels genuine. Give it a listen and judge it for yourself.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Do you listen to this podcast? What do you think about it? Let me know!

Until next time,


The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home (2020) Review – Delightful, Yet Slightly Underwhelming


This is my very first book review and I am glad it was this book. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home (what a handful to say) is from the same people, who have been bringing you the podcast Welcome to Night Vale since 2012. I discovered the podcast around 2016 and loved it ever since. I know the people behind this book wrote other books too, but they weren’t as intriguing to me as this one, as I have always liked the character of the Faceless Old Woman (narrated beautifully on the show by Mara Wilson) because of the the mystery surrounding that character. Why is she faceless? Who/what made her the way she is? So when I discovered there was a book just about her, I couldn’t wait to read it. And it’s a good book, don’t get me wrong, but I felt like it could have been better.

First of all, the book is “split” between past (where we get to know the girl before she became a woman and before she, you know, lost her face) and present, her in Night Vale, focusing on one of Night Vale’s residents, Craig. I loved all of those parts from Night Vale and about Craig and I loved the start of the book about her childhood, growing up etc. This would be really difficult to discuss without going into some spoilers, so…


When this story turns into a pirate adventure, I was just slightly confused. What should have been a cool idea, just felt all over the place. You can tell the writers could write about her and Night Vale with their eyes closed at this point, because the text felt “confident”…? Whereas the pirate stuff felt just off. I am not one of those fans who presumed the entire book would take place in Night Vale, even thought it’s surprisingly little of Night Vale there. But I get it, it’s all about the Old Faceless Woman and about how she became her… but is though?

I think that’s where I struggled with this book the most, as the book plays really fast and loose with the rules and never properly explains why she survived her death. I found that disappointing, especially knowing all the crazy, imaginative stuff from the podcast I know and love, where you have literal angels (if they exist in your universe, surely they could have had something to do with that?) and all sorts of mystical, strange creatures running around Night Vale. I do understand that it might be part of the “magic”, that it never is fully explained why she survived etc., but come on. If you write a book all about the Faceless Old Woman, I would expect to know how she became the Old Faceless Woman. And the book tells you… just because…? Or because she’s the only person ever to have been wronged, so she can take her revenge indefinitely…? Also, there is a part where she get’s hurt, but she’s already dead…? Can she die twice? Can she control when or whether she dies…? To me, this book doesn’t really answer these questions.

All I am trying to say here is I wish I would have known more about the actual why. I think the writers did a good job with her backstory, an ok job with all the pirate stuff, excellent job when comes to the present stuff and the “twist”, or the shocking ending… well, it wasn’t too shocking for me, because you can kind of see it coming from a mile away.

But I still really enjoyed the book, it reads very well, and if you like quirky writing, or you are familiar with the podcast, then this book is for you. Even though I wish we would have gotten a bit more as to why she is the Faceless Old Woman, and not just how, I would recommend you reading this. And if you haven’t already, check out their podcast(s) as they are definitely interesting people to follow.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Did you read this book? What did you think about it? Let me know!

Until next time,


Behind the Sins (Podcast Review) – Great In Its Own Right


I love podcasts. For the past 6 years I have spent a lot of time driving around (nature of my current job) and when you do that, you will eventually get sick and tired of your own music. Trust me, you do, no matter how big your playlist is. So a few years ago, I started listening to podcasts. And just like with any TV shows, when I start something, I start from the very beginning. I have started listening to the SinCast (one of my first reviews, can be found here) and it took me a while to catch up, as they have been going strong for some time when I started listening. After I had caught up, they have launched a behind the scenes podcast called Behind the Sins (great pun) and to be honest, this took an episode or two before it grabbed me, but then, I was hooked.

I started listening to this podcast when the COVID-19 pandemic started (around March/April 2020) and all I can say is, I don’t regret it. Because they had some part of getting me through some tough times. Aaron, Deneé and Jonathan (please make sure you follow these lovely people on their Twitter accounts, linked above and the official Twitter account) have a great chemistry together, because they are all different people. Aaron is the “responsible” one, who’s trying to keep the show together and moving along (when he’s not arguing why it’s ok to be married to your second cousin ;-)), Jonathan seems like a movie lover, whose calm and almost “fatherly figure” intrigues me and I would be opposed grabbing a drink with him, but the main star of this show is without a doubt Deneé, who is the definition of “chaotic energy ball trapped in a glass box, that’s rolling down the hill”… in the best possible sense…? She can be all over the place, she can sing, she can make weird noises, or freak out over interviewing one of her heroes, once she realises more than halfway through the interview, who he actually is (yes, I am referring to them interviewing Scott Christian Sava and Deneé realising towards the end of the interview he’s the creator behind one of her most favourite web comic series The Dreamland Chronicles) in the episode titled The Eggs, the Eilish, the Croods, and the Crackers episode from 3/12/2020. Also, her voice is pleasant to listen to and I want her to narrate audio books. And these 3 lovely people work very well together, it’s honestly such a fun time and just because of them, this quickly became one of my favourite podcasts, as I could listen to them talk about pretty much anything for hours. That’s the staple of a great podcast, that you can see yourself having a conversation or drinks with the people behind it and they definitely seem like a lovely bunch.

It’s also sobering to listen to everything that’s going on behind the scenes of their YouTube channels (CinemaSins, TVSins, MusicVideoSins and the newest “family” member CommercialSins), specifically how much work, effort, research and everything else is going into every single video, podcast, script… It’s proving yet again, that the old saying “Comedy is harder than drama” rings true and the format doesn’t matter. Whether it is a Hollywood movie with a big budget, YouTube channel or a podcast, if you can make people laugh on regular basis and you can make it look easy, it definitely isn’t easy. It takes lot of work, preparation and some talent and these guys and Deneé definitely have the dedication, work ethic and talent to deliver every week.

To me, this is a great underdog story – what started as “let’s see, whether people are interested to learn what’s happening behind the scenes” quickly became its own thing, with its own inside jokes, and I couldn’t be happier for all of them. I can’t stress this enough, Behind the Sins has quickly become one of my favourite podcasts to listen to and I am always looking forward to Thursdays, to hear these 3 lovely people talk about movies, videos, comics, mobile games, their kids, weird researches they’ve done for the videos and everything else. I would strongly recommend you checking it out, if you are looking to relax and escape this stressful world, for at least some time. Also, these chips are good slaps hard! 🙂

Rating: 5 out of 5.

That’s all for this one! Are you fan of this podcast? Will you check it out? Let me know!

Until next time,
