Want A Bit More of Me?


Hello movie friends!

This is just a brief announcement about something that might or might not interest you.

After months of hearing about it, I’ve finally started Letterboxd!

Why? I thought if this “social media for movie people” exists, why not?

If you want to follow me on there, you can find me under “InMoviesLost” (as somebody truly mean had already taken LostInMovies, can you imagine the audacity? :-D)

Why would you want to do it? Well, if you are here, you probably care about what I have to say about movies (for which I am so grateful, you can’t even imagine). But mainly, I have watched a fair bit of films/TV shows “in advance”. I am trying to keep a decent queue, so there are no gaps for you, the readers, and you always get your three reviews a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Well, on Letterboxd, you will see the ratings as soon as I watch something and possibly some brief review too! So really, this is just one more way to stay “in the loop” with what I am watching and what might pop up on my blog at some point in the future (not everything I will rate there I will write a full review for various reasons).

So, if you have a profile and feel inclined, do follow me. And please get in touch so I can follow you back!

Thank you for all your support this year!

Until next time,


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