Category Archives: About Me

Everything about me…

Flix and Chill Is HERE (Podcast Update)!


Hello movie friends!

As I hinted at before, my podcast is now ready to be launched!

It’s called Flix & Chill, and each second Friday, I will be talking to someone about their life, movies and everything in between. Sometimes, we might get deep, and other times, we might get controversial, but mostly, I was striving to make a podcast where you can put a personality to the name of someone you might know from the Internet but never knew “what they are about”.

Also, you can be on it! If you want to talk to me about life, movies and everything in between, please email me at, send me your stuff (anything from your Letterboxd profile to a blog or YouTube channel you do), and I will get to you!

The trailer can be found here:

Or, if you aren’t a fan of Spotify, you should be able to find it anywhere else, and if not, we are working on it! 😉

So please, give it a listen, and come back this Friday, 2nd of February, for a first episode. If you want to like and subscribe and all that good stuff, I wouldn’t be mad at all 😉

Until next time,


Podcast(s) Update!


Hello movie friends,

Consider this yet another chance to hear me talk, rumble and blabber about movies, but this time, it isn’t just a “one-time thing”! But let me start with that first.

As some of you know, I am part of Siftpop (, and every once in a while, I appear on their Siftpop Writers’ Room podcast. So, a few weeks ago, I sat down with Aaron and Shane to discuss the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike alongside our thoughts on many movies, including a preview for Barbie (2023, my review here) and Oppenheimer (2023, my review here). The main discussion was about two other films, Modern Times (1936) and Chaplin (1992). That and many more (like my bad box office prediction), you can listen for yourself now by clicking here or by simply pressing play below. Huge thanks to Aaron Schweitzer for having me (his InstagramTwitter, and Letterboxd links are here) and to Shane Conto (his InstagramTwitterLetterboxdTikTokYouTube channel, and Facebook links are here). Yep, Shane is a busy man.

Siftpop Writers’ Room with myself, Aaron and Shane!

In fact, Shane Conto is so busy that he is part of my other update. On top of the many things he does, he hosts several podcasts, one of which is The Scribe Podcast. And I have been appearing on it twice every month for a few months now, on his shows The Wasteland Rewind (recommending an older movie to watch) and Wasteland Collides, where we watch one new movie coming out that month and pair it with another one using some link (whether it’s a director or a theme). In the two episodes for July, we talked about The Fifth Element (1997) on The Wasteland Rewind (link here or press play below) and for Wasteland Collides, we reviewed Oppenheimer, and I paired it up with Following (1998), the only Nolan film I hadn’t seen until then. The link for that episode is here, or press the play button below.

Shane and I talk about Oppenheimer and Following!
Shane and I talk about The Fifth Element and why you should (re)watch it!

If you subscribe to The Scribe Podcast, you get to hear others talk about a variety of movies and, as mentioned before, myself twice a month from now on. You should subscribe since Shane knows his stuff, and his stuff is movies. He might be is even bigger cinephile than me (his Letterboxd numbers are both scary and impressive to me), and he is always a good chat; I appreciate him for having me on twice every month.

Also, please subscribe to the Siftpop Writers’ Room as well, as there are many knowledgeable folks who, like me, are passionate about movies and can talk about them for hours. I can’t wait to make my next appearance soon; I just don’t know when that “soon” is, but I will keep you informed.

That’s all for the shameless plugs about podcasts back to our regularly scheduled reviews.

As always, I appreciate everyone who has ever read my reviews or listened to a podcast episode with me in it. It truly means a lot to me, and I can’t thank you enough.

Until next time,


Want to Listen to Me… Again?


Hello movie friends,

As I alluded to a couple of days ago here, I was yet again invited to Siftpop Writer’s Room! This time, Aaron, John and I were discussing Guy Ritchie, TV shows, and TV’s best side characters! We might also touch (not literally) on Tommy Lee’s penis…?

If you care to listen to us talk about those topics and much more, click here! Or search for “Siftpop Writer’s Room” anywhere, where you get your podcasts!

I again need to thank all the lovely people at Siftpop; it’s great to be part of that community. They don’t pay me to say/write this (but hey, I am open to that ;-)), but you should check out for more. For daily reviews and Best Ever Challenges every Friday.

Until next time,


Want to See Me Talking About Movies…?


Hello movie friends,

You have had an opportunity to hear me talk about movies (here), and if you want more, here’s the ultimate… challenge? Opportunity? Punishment? Well, hopefully, it won’t be the last one. I’ve recently sat down with Shane Conto (aka The Wasteland Reviewer, he can be found on YouTubeInstagramTwitter and Facebook) and talked about… well, movies, what else?

So, if you have always been curious what my beautiful charming face looks like, don’t hesitate any longer, and see for yourself below.

I can’t thank Shane enough for having me on his show. He posts a lot of videos and watches even more movies, so give him a follow, subscribe to his channel, and do everything else cool kids do these days. It’s been a pleasure, and I hope we can do it again.

Also, there might (read: will) be another Siftpop podcast featuring yours truly sooner than you think, so stay tuned. 😉

Until next time,


Want To Hear Me Talking About Movies?


Hello Movie Friends,

Yet another update is here – I’ve recorded my first ever podcast!

No, I am not starting my own podcast (even though I had a lot of fun, so maybe…?), but as I have mentioned before, I write for the lovely people at Siftpop ( And they do a show called Siftpop Writer’s Room, and yours truly is on the latest episode of it, alongside the lovely May (@MayEllenMedia on Twitter) and host Aaron Schweitzer (@schwhitecastle on Twitter) chatting about the upcoming movies for the year 2022!

So, if (for some reason) you want to hear me, here’s your chance. The link for the episode (on Spotify) can be found here. Let me know what you think and if you wish, give the Siftpop people some love!

Until next time,


Want A Bit More of Me?


Hello movie friends!

This is just a brief announcement about something that might or might not interest you.

After months of hearing about it, I’ve finally started Letterboxd!

Why? I thought if this “social media for movie people” exists, why not?

If you want to follow me on there, you can find me under “InMoviesLost” (as somebody truly mean had already taken LostInMovies, can you imagine the audacity? :-D)

Why would you want to do it? Well, if you are here, you probably care about what I have to say about movies (for which I am so grateful, you can’t even imagine). But mainly, I have watched a fair bit of films/TV shows “in advance”. I am trying to keep a decent queue, so there are no gaps for you, the readers, and you always get your three reviews a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Well, on Letterboxd, you will see the ratings as soon as I watch something and possibly some brief review too! So really, this is just one more way to stay “in the loop” with what I am watching and what might pop up on my blog at some point in the future (not everything I will rate there I will write a full review for various reasons).

So, if you have a profile and feel inclined, do follow me. And please get in touch so I can follow you back!

Thank you for all your support this year!

Until next time,


One Big News!


We interrupt our scheduled program to bring you an announcement!

You might have heard about a website called Siftpop (, where bunch of lovely people are contributing to create reviews, Best of Lists and more of good stuff about movies, TV shows, anything interesting that’s happening in pop culture.

So recently (and I don’t know how this happened, to be honest) I have submitted some of my writing and somehow managed to convince them (after a lots of tears, promises, and more tears… hey, so that’s how it happened!) to allow me join their lovely team! You can find my very first contribution here (yes, at the very bottom of the page, I am still not quite sure whether that means anything specific :-)) and more to come in the future.

What does it mean for you and this tiny blog? For you, dear reader, it just mean you can check out Siftpop and see whether that is something you might consider reading too (they do have really great people running it, but I might be biased) and occasionally, you might see my name there too.

Regarding this blog? I will still try my hardest to write about anything that catches my attention every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and I do appreciate seeing people reading, commenting and liking some of my articles, I can’t even describe how much that means to me) and I will be more than happy to take some input from you! What movies you like me to review? The newer movies? The older ones? The popular ones or more obscure ones? Let me know!

I am truly grateful to the folks at Siftpop for giving me a shot (speaking of shots, please get vaccinated ;-)) and to you guys, whether you read me once a week, month, or you are new here (if that’s the case, welcome, there are well over 200 reviews to read through, if you wish!) because it’s really rewarding, knowing at least a few people care about thoughts of random, almost 30 year old person on the Internet. 😉

Thanks a bunch and as always, until next time,


Let me introduce myself…


Hello, movie lovers, friends and anything in between.

It would be polite to introduce myself so you have better idea about the person sitting behind the screen.

My name is Luke, I’m almost 29 years old and ever since I remember, I’ve loved movies. I love watching movies, I love debating movies, I love loving movies…? Maybe that’s too much, but I can’t help it. There is something greater about this medium than any other I can think of. It makes you feel one way one minute and then can pull the rug under you the next minute.

Couple of bullet points about me:

  1. I come from non-English speaking country (Czech Republic), so please bear with me if something doesn’t make sense and ask and comment any typos, or anything really that strikes you as odd and leaves you wondering “what the fuck was he trying to say…?”
  2. Yes, I don’t mind swearing. I’ll try my very best not to do it on regular basis (at least on this blog) but sometimes when something needs to be underlined, there are no better words.
  3. I have no film or writing background, I didn’t go to college or Uni for this (my background is in IT) so I am by no means a professional, I’m just a movie lover that hopes to find people who sometimes agree with his take on movies, TV shows, podcasts etc.
  4. I am not going to focus on specific movies, my plan is to be myself and I tend to watch anything and everything, from new movies playing in the cinema, to old movies (and no, by old I don’t mean movies from 1991, even though that’s almost 30 years ago, and holy shit I’m getting old and you’re getting old and we are on the path to death… sorry where was I? Oh yeah, close the bracket explaining old movies). From comedies, to dramas, horrors, musicals, westerns, there is no genre I dislike. A good film is good film, no matter the genre.
  5. I’m also planning to review a fair amount of TV shows, as I’m obsessed with TV shows (anything from Netflix, HBO to BBC dramas).
  6. Under the Misc section, I’ll write anything in between where I meditate about the current state of movies, TV shows, review a podcast or two, all that good stuff.

If this sounds like a journey you’d like to go on with me, I’ll be more than happy to take you with me. If not, no hard feelings, same with movies, no one movie is ever universally loved.

Until next time,
