Want to Listen to Me… Again?


Hello movie friends,

As I alluded to a couple of days ago here, I was yet again invited to Siftpop Writer’s Room! This time, Aaron, John and I were discussing Guy Ritchie, TV shows, and TV’s best side characters! We might also touch (not literally) on Tommy Lee’s penis…?

If you care to listen to us talk about those topics and much more, click here! Or search for “Siftpop Writer’s Room” anywhere, where you get your podcasts!

I again need to thank all the lovely people at Siftpop; it’s great to be part of that community. They don’t pay me to say/write this (but hey, I am open to that ;-)), but you should check out www.siftpop.com for more. For daily reviews and Best Ever Challenges every Friday.

Until next time,


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